“Leaders ensure that children in the early years receive a good start to their education. Staff are knowledgeable about how young children learn and develop. They know children well and tailor learning to the needs of individuals.”
– Park Hill School ISI Inspection Report, 2024
Park Hill Preparatory School is committed to equal treatment for all regardless of sex, disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, age, race, ethnic origin, marital status, pregnancy or maternity. We aim to create a friendly, caring and perceptive environment in which every individual is valued. We endeavour to contribute positively towards the growing autonomy, self-esteem and safety of each pupil.
Please find below a list of our school policies which are available to parents of current and prospective pupils.
- Each policy can be made available as a hard copy on request
- A copy of each policy is available for inspection from the school office during a working day
- Each policy can be made available in large print or other accessible format if required
Please click on the following link to access a shared folder that contains our policies –
School Policies Folder
The following documents are in PDF format:
- Accessibility Plan
- Admissions Policy
- Aims of the School
- Anti Bullying Policy
- Behaviour and Discipline Policy
- Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy
- Curriculum Policy
- Educational Visits and Trips Policy
- EAL Policy
- Equal Opportunities Policy
- Fire Risk Assessment Policy
- Fire Safety Policy
- First Aid Policy
- Health and Safety Policy
- Missing Pupil Policy
- Non Collection of Children Policy
- Parental Complaints Policy
- Prevent Duty Guidance
- Privacy Notice
- PSHE Policy
- Risk Assessment Policy For Pupil Welfare
- RSHE Policy
- Safer Recruitment Policy
- Special Educational Needs (inc EHCP provision) Policy
- Staff Code of Conduct
- Whistleblowing Policy