Drop Off & Collection Arrangements and Reporting Absences
The school day begins at 8:30am, by which time all children should be settled in their classrooms. The gate is open from 8:15 – 8:30am.
Early Bird drop off at 8:00am is available where the gate will be opened from 8:00 – 8:05am, children are welcome to be dropped off at this time.
Breakfast Club is open from 7:30 – 8:00am during term time only. Cereal, toast, fruit, milk and juice is available at a cost of £5 per day and should be booked via the Wrap around care/ club sign up sheet. If you wish to cancel a breakfast club booking, please let the office know by 2:00pm the previous day.
The school day ends at 3:30pm, the gate will be open from then until 3:40pm. Please do not be late collecting your child as it is often distressing for small children who are tired at the end of the day.
After School Care & Activities (3.30-6:00pm) are available every day of the week.
Absences: If your child is absent from school please inform the school office directly on 020 8546 5496 before 9am to ensure the message is received. Please do not email the class teacher directly as it is not always possible for the teachers to check their emails before the register is taken. If you can not get through on the school office line, please ensure you email Kate Blower (kate.blower@wordpress-1114917-3917508.cloudwaysapps.com) for school absences and both Kate Blower and Emily Whelan (emily.whelan@wordpress-1114917-3917508.cloudwaysapps.com) for nursery absences.