Shrewsbury House Music Festival

18th March 16

On Thursday 17th March the Year 1 and 2 children participated in the Shrewsbury House Music Festival.

From start to finish the children conducted themselves in a professional and mature manner and were great ambassadors for Park Hill.

They sang four songs, two of which were chosen by Mr William Morris, Director of Music at Shrewsbury House and two which were chosen by us. One of the songs chosen by William Morris extremely challenging and we were only informed last Wednesday that they were expecting us to sing two songs of our choice!  In true Park Hill fashion class teachers and children rose to the challenge and the result was a performance that we were all extremely proud of.

It was wonderful to see Park Hill alumni amongst the children singing for Shrewsbury House.

Congratulations Years 1 and 2 you were superb!

Below are photographs and videos from the Music Festival.

Music Festival Intro from Park Hill School on Vimeo.

Pure Imagination from Park Hill School on Vimeo.

Sing Hosannah from Park Hill School on Vimeo.

Music Festival Finale from Park Hill School on Vimeo.

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