
In Maths, the children will be learning more advanced number and shape work. Along with addition and subtraction, there will be focus on division and multiplication through real life problems, and more formal methods. Data handling will feature heavily, with the focus being on creating their own graphs and tables to answer questions: both in Mathematics, and other subjects (Science in particular). Shape work will consist of irregular 3D and 2D shapes, looking at vertices, faces (and the 2D shapes they create), edges and nets.

The expectation is that children can create their own projects, including graphs, tables, multiple problem questions, and concluding statements: in both written and through computing. As well, the children will be expected to be able to use their mathematical skills to solve other problems in History, Geography, Science, Computing, DT, and Art.

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Upcoming Open Mornings

We are holding Open Mornings for Park Hill Preparatory School and Nursery in September! Book to join us here.