Story Telling for Babies – 5 Reasons Why

3rd February 15
This week is national storytelling week and now that I have a 5 year old who has learnt to read I finally understand what all the pre-reading stuff was about. I now know why the health visitor told me to read to my baby. At the time I thought she was nuts – I could barely feed the baby so getting her to read was the furthest thing from my mind! However all the work that I put in (once we’d mastered feeding) paid off and my little one can now enjoy stories for herself. She can read her own princess books then throw on a princess dress and tiara and act the whole thing out with her sister! She can read sign posts and warnings signs whilst out and about so her understanding of the world has moved on. She can also read rude messages on mugs which has lead to an audit of china wear!
It was only when we got to the final stage, reading books, that I finally saw how everything I’d done from her being a baby was relevant. Often as a parent we’re told to do things with our pre-schoolers but we’re not told why. Presumably somebody out there thinks it might blow our minds!!! Or perhaps it’s that Early Years research is a high level of academia and they’re not that good at communicating their findings outside of the academic world.
Whatever the reasons I’ve taken some time to do a little research myself and translate it into something I think all parents with young children will find interesting…
To continue reading about story telling for babies, please visit Mrs Lewis’ website